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Animation and Video

V-LAN Video Machine Control Network

Videomedia Inc

V-LAN Video Machine Control Network is the complete hardware and softwareoperating environment for frame-accurate transport control. A V-LANcontroller includes one V-LAN transmitter module, which gives computerswith RS-232 serial ports the ability to frame accurately control up to 31devices, and a V-LAN Receiver module for each video device on thenetwork. V-LAN controllers interface to all industrial/professional VTRs,laserdisk players/recorders, digital disk recorders, switchers, high-definition VTRs, and various other devices. V-LAN controllers work withall major animation, 3-D graphics, and multimedia software.V-LAN protocol accommodates all aspects of machine code interfacing, soall devices look the same to the computer talking to the V-LAN.Therefore, V-LAN enables one program to control a large number of deviceswithout modifications.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Videotape recorder or laserdisk player on V-LAN support list
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Videomedia Inc
175 Lewis Rd Unit 23
San Jose, CA 95111
Phone: (408) 227-9977
        (800) YES-VLAN
Fax: (408) 227-6707